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It's All About Tea — black tea

The History Of Wakoucha — Japanese Black Tea

Posted by Angelina Kurganska on

Japanese black tea is referred to as koucha in Japan. Like hong cha, koucha translates as red tea and is red tea and not black tea. Wakoucha refers specifically to black tea produced in Japan. "Wa" referring to Japan in this context. The properties of Japanese black tea are the same as those of hong cha — it is a fully oxidized tea made from the leaves of camellia sinensis.

In a country that predominantly drinks green tea, black tea production has always taken up a tiny part of the Japanese tea production industry. (Read more) 

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Make Your Own Tea Blend: Russian Caravan Tea

Posted by Angelina Kurganska on

A Russian Caravan tea blend is described as the ideal melange of woody, smoky aroma and velvety sweet taste. It originated over years of loose leaf teas being transported over the harsh wintery Russian steppes. Finally, the tea would arrive to Russia’s elite, fully smoked out from the numerous campfires lit along the way. Today we can enjoy a perfect blend of loose-leaf Chinese teas creating the taste that was once so craved, centuries ago. (Read more) 

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A deeper look into Chinese black tea: Hong Cha

Posted by Angelina Kurganska on

Up until the mid 17th century (Late Ming, Early Qing Dynasty), the only teas widely consumed in China were green (unoxidized) and oolong (semi-oxidized) teas.

Nowadays, red tea is one of the most popular and widely produced teas in the world. However, it wasn't always this way.  (Read more)

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Black Tea Caffeine Content: Is It Actually High?

Posted by Angelina Kurganska on

A common claim is that black tea caffeine content is much higher than that of green or white tea. Many people will always make a choice to drink green tea believing that the caffeine content is much lower. There are also people who say that green tea has zero caffeine. (Read more)

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The World’s Most Popular Chinese Teas

Posted by Angelina Kurganska on

We’ve put together a list that contains the most popular Chinese teas found around the world. If you are just getting into the exquisite world of Chinese teas why not take a look and see what kind of teas others are drawn to? (Read more)

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