About "Path Of Cha"
Hey there!
I'm Misha, the founder of this little company tucked away in South Brooklyn, New York. We're a small team of tea-loving friends. Tea, for us, is more than just a drink – it's a great tool to slow down, enjoy the moment and life's pleasures, and, for a second, feel like a wise sage who's got it all figured out:)
Our mission is simple: we want to help people hit the pause button and savor the moment.
To ensure we bring you the best, we source our teas from producers with a solid reputation for growing top-notch teas using organic, traditional methods.
We're mindful of our footprint, and to minimize our impact on the environment, wherever possible, we use recycled and biodegradable materials. Our shipments are carbon neutral – each time we ship, a seed is planted.
Relationships matter a lot to us – with the farmers who grow our teas and with you, our tea-friends. We believe in mutual respect and fair trade, which means you get to enjoy the highest quality, organically grown, fairly priced teas, and the people who produce these teas are making a decent living. It's a win-win!
If you're in New York, come to our tea space at 2202 Ave X, Brooklyn, and say hello. We'll be happy to have you and treat you to a good tea:) After all, "A cup of tea is an excuse to share great thoughts with great minds".
In Tea We Trust:)
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