A young monk came to the wise tea master Lao Cha and asked him:
– Sensei, I so admire your spirit and vigour! You are a man of age and wisdom - yet, you are more energetic and full of vitality than many of us younger men. Will you share your secret with us?
– My secret hides in this small cup of Matcha tea. Its rich essence nourishes the body and invigorates the soul. As long as you drink a daily cup of Matcha, you will remain young at heart and body. Here, have a cup.
Matcha is stone ground tencha: green tea, often used for the production of Gyokuro. A few weeks before the harvest, Farmers start to shade the tea bushes from direct sunlight. Shading tea helps the leaves to stack up on theanine and chlorophyll. That high content of amino acids results in extra sweetness, umami, and a unique energy bounty, for a tea that makes you focus and energizes you at the same time. Before milling, every single leaf is carefully de-stemmed and de-veined.
Shizuoka is Japan's largest tea-producing region. It accounts for roughly a third of Japan's total tea production. Shizuoka has a rich tea history, growing tea for over 800 years. It is one of the original places tea seeds were brought from China by the Zen Buddhist monk Eisai. Many mountainous areas dot Shizuoka's landscape. The volcanic soil is rich in nutritional substances and trace minerals. They get sucked in by the roots of the tea plant and create the unique flavor profile of this specialty tea.
There are two commonly known grades of matcha tea. The ceremonial uses the youngest and most tender leaves. Farmers ground them with stone to ensure low temperature during the processing. That helps to preserve the inner substances intact. This grade of matcha has a more delicate taste, smooth and subtle texture and is best to drink. The standard-grade matcha has a more intense flavor. It helps it withstand high temperatures during cooking. It also makes it stand out when mixed with other tastes, like those of dairy, sugar, etc.
Our organic matcha is made from the springtime harvest of tencha of Kanayamidori, Asanoka, Saemidori, and Yabukita cultivars. They grow on a family farm on the verdant mountain slopes of Shizuoka, Japan. The steep terrain prevents the use of machinery. Thus, all leaves are tended to and harvested by hand. It allows the farmers to get close and personal with their tea plants – a crucial factor in producing high-quality tea leaves.
Our organic matcha is praised for its umami sweetness, creamy taste, and refreshing energy. You can use it for cooking, making matcha latte, or in cha no yu, a traditional ceremonial manner that uses a tea bowl and a bamboo tea whisk.
Brewing guidelines:
• Using a small sifter, sift into a matcha bowl (chawan) a few bamboo scoops (chashaku) of matcha. We recommend using about 1 scoop per 30ml.
• Start slowly adding water of about 175-185ºF / 80-85ºC
• Using a chasen (the whisk), whisk vigorously in a zigzag (but not circular) motion. Do not scratch the bottom of the chawan. Keep whisking until all the powder is dissolved and the tea is frothy. To achieve a better result, keep turning the chawan counterclockwise while whisking.