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Health benefits of tea

Tea has a well-established reputation as a healthy beverage. Thanks to modern marketing, Camellia Sinensis (tea tree) is shown as a miracle plant. There are claims that it will clear the skin, halt cancer, or melt body fat. For the most part, these claims aren't true. Yes, research generally supports the idea that tea is good for you. However, results on specific health benefits of tea are less conclusive. But here are a few benefits of tea that we know for a fact:


Tea is good for your health, especially when fresh and naturally grown. It is a nutritious and hydrating beverage. Modern-day scientific research has proven tea to contain many healthy compounds. These include antioxidants, L-theanine, and essential minerals like potassium.


The health benefits of the six types of tea

True tea, ie. whitegreenyellowoolongblack (red), and pu-erh (but not herbal), all come from the leaves of Camellia Sinensis. However, there are some differences in the amounts of caffeine, L-theanine, catechins and magnesium between tea types. Generally, all teas contain meaningful amounts of tea phytonutrients. 

Flavonoids are dietary compounds we find in tea, wine, cocoa, fruit, and vegetables. Tea flavonoids help maintain normal blood vessel function.



Drinking tea regularly can contribute to proper hydration, as well as improve focus and concentration. Furthermore it can help maintain a positive mood throughout the day.


Three or more cups of tea per day help maintain cardiovascular health. Furthermore, researchers associate the regular consumption of black tea with a reduced risk of heart disease and stroke.


Other studies (though inconclusive – the results vary from Asian to Western populations) suggest drinking green tea may help maintain healthy body composition. Tea naturally contains zero calories. Therefore, when used in place of higher-calorie beverages, it can help control caloric intake, which is important for managing weight.


With this in mind, our recommendation is simple. The most beneficial tea is one that you enjoy drinking often, ideally without milk and sugar. 


Over the past thousand years, tea crafting techniques have produced a huge variety of styles and flavors that are both tasty and healthy. That is particularly helpful if it replaces a less healthy beverage habit, like soda, or increases your water intake overall. For maximum antioxidant content, look for fresh harvests of whole leaves without artificial flavors or color.